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金牛座最适合的职业Top 10

来源:名霸星座 编辑:名霸 2008年12月19日

Gardener 园丁
This is the sign with a classic green thumb and dirty hands. They would like nothing more than spending their days cultivating roses and pruning scrubs. Taurus can be found running greenhouses, working in garden centers and flower shops, and working for companies who supply plants for businesses. The lucky ones can work at an ostentatious estate, taking care of larger, more complex gardens and dreaming of being the owner.

Landscape Designer 园林设计师
The Landscape Designer deals with plant material and other elements on a larger or more complex scale. This profession requires several years of education, a talent for design and architecture, and vision. Taurus has an innate sense of aesthetics, and a love of living things, which make them perfect for this career. Instead of creating a building like an architect, they are able to build a small part of the world instead.

Cosmetics Developer 化妆品设计师
Taurus loves the finer things in life. They have finely-tuned senses and are acutely aware of beauty and elegance. If they have training in chemistry, they can then work in the world of perfume and cosmetics. Finding just the right blend of light and airy floral, with an exotic musk, would engage them on a fascinating quest. Following the latest consumer research they will find the combination of scent that will make crowds flock to their product. They flagrantly disregard scent-free policies.

Model 模特
Taureans are often very beautiful individuals and some might want to venture into modeling. Most Taurus natives love to eat, which may concern those who wish to model. However, they should not let their weight stop them because the Plus-Size Model market could be literally tailor-made for them. Since the population is growing in more ways than one, this field is probably opening up. The money is probably plus-size too.

Winery Owner 葡萄酒厂经营者
This venture would appeal to many sides of Taurus. First of all they would have to grow the grapes and harvest them. Then, they would have to make the wine over a number of years, taking the time to get things just right. They are very patient people and will insist on quality and a full-bodied taste. The best part of this business would be the continual quality control and tasting. Finally, they may want to open the winery to the public and entertain, enjoy a glass of the finest with guests.

Security Guard 保安
Security is very important to Taurus and this job would probably appeal to them. It would be even more of a bonus if they were on the night shift at a quiet location. They would probably opt for the postings that had the least likelihood of ever being robbed or disturbed. It would be an excellent chance to relax, watch TV, wear a uniform, and be of service. They need to be careful not to let the power go to their heads.

Surveyor 检查员
This career is interesting to Taurus because they get to work for the government, but outside in the fresh air. The location could be anywhere from a city lot to a country road. Some of their time is spent driving to and from locations and marking points on the terrain. This job is technical but will allow them to work close to nature. Unless the work is done near the freeway or downtown, most of the time they will be away from major distractions. And, if they take a thermos and a lunchbox, they won’t miss their scheduled breaks.

Pastry Chef 糕点师
Taurus is very comfortable in the kitchen and this career would appeal to their penchant for quality, fine foods, and, of course, their sweet tooth. Only the best ingredients and the richest creams and butters will suffice. The best part of this job, for a Taurus, is sampling the wares. They will take great pride in turning out a delicious and artfully arranged product. They love working with their hands by rolling out dough and decorating the wares.

Park Ranger 公园护林员
In many ways this career is well suited to Taurus. The work is largely outdoors in a park setting. They are in charge of taking care of nature and are concerned with the welfare of the people and animals in its realm. The beauty of this role is that it is a government job with good pay and benefits and is steady work. Taurus, of course, looks very fine in a uniform and they will strut their stuff for all to see. Smokey the Bear has only good things to say about Taurus.

Loan Officer 信贷员
The next best thing to working outside is having a desk job and handling financial transactions. A career in the banking industry would make a Taurus rather pleased. There is longevity, room to grow, and the chance to process lots of beautiful money. They get to work with people, solve their financial concerns and then find ways that they can buy more and more stuff. Meanwhile, they benefit from a good job with long-term prospects.

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