You will get a great help from your family this month.
The family has the information you need about finding job.
Also, you will fall in love very deeply and be careful for it's temperature!
星座小檔案 About Leo Leo are passionate, like to show off, and possess charisma. They are excellent players of their career. Having aggressive nature and acting talent, they have excellent creativity.
獅子座的人熱情愛表現, 具有群眾魅力。 在事業上能有傑出的表現。 同時有積極的個性, 具表演天份, 創造力十足 。
重 要 字 詞 Leo (n.) 獅子座 show off 愛現 charisma (n.) 魔力 aggressive (a.) 侵略的 talent (n.) 天份 self-esteem 自尊心 self-image 自我形象 |