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来源:名霸星座 编辑:名霸 2009年1月20日
Vesta - Mercury

The focusing principle combines with mental expression. This combination emphasizes the need to focus one's thought and communication processes. A highly developed mind, research or the media. Stressed, communications difficulties, excessive mental introspection, poor concentration. One must clarify one's personal objectives and thoughts and eliminating mental baggage.

Vesta - Venus

The focusing principle combines with the feminine principle of love and sexuality. This aspect can indicate a self-determined and independent attitude concerning intimate relationships. The ability to integrate one's femininity with one's individual identity. There can exist a devotion to sexual expression and the sensitive understanding of feminine psychology. These people may also choose to sublimate their sexual expression into artistic expression or a spiritual path. Stressed may point to conflicts between independence/work needs and relationship needs, often resulting in alienation from people. This may manifest as psychological or physical frigidity, fear and withdrawal from intimacy, puritanical attitudes, or the opposite, promiscuity.

Vesta - Mars

The focusing principle combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. This combination emphasizes the ability too concentrate and direct one's energy at will. The ability to integrate autonomy and self-determination in intimate relationships as well as sensitivity and skill in sexual expression. The ability to sublimate sexual energy to a cause, the spiritual warrior. Stressed, depicts restrictions in the expression of masculine energies which can lead to physical or psychological impotence, to alienation from relationships.

Vesta - Jupiter

The focusing principle combines with the expansive/broadening urge. This can indicate enlargement and a social vision within one's field of dedication and commitment. These people possess the ability to focus on and synthesize the details of broad scale issues. The sexual force of Vesta may sublimated into the areas of politics, teaching, the ministry or spiritual devotion.

Vesta - Saturn

There is a focus of attention upon the urge to create form and structure. This combination can signify intensely focused and committed energies, an individual who possesses self-discipline, seriousness of purpose, and the ability to actualize goals and aspirations through dedication and hard work. Once realized, these aspirations, through dedication and hard work, are grounded in a solid secure foundation. Stressful aspects describe conflicts between one's personal needs and one's obligations towards others. The result may manifest either as an avoidance of commitment or as suffering under the burden of too much responsibility. These people set harsh standards of perfection for themselves and others.

Vesta - Uranus

The focusing principle combines with individuality and intuition. People with this combination have the potential to infuse original and universal impulses into personal dedication. A mind that can focus and concentrate on innovative and intuitive ideas. Stimulation of interest in scientific and occult studies. Stressed, conflicts between a desire to focus oneself, versus the desire for innovation and change. Rebellion from obligation or erratic behavior that thwarts relationships.

Vesta - Neptune

The focusing principle combines with the transcendent urge, a devotion to spiritual or artistic ideals. A depth of compassion that can lead one to participate as a universal world-server. A long term commitment to a spiritual path or a focused devotion to the fine arts. Some people may use sexual union as the means of experiencing Neptune's mystic unity. Stressed, a diffusion of focus and confusion about one's commitments. There is a misconception of reality that leads to inappropriate self-denial and self-sacrifice. Other problems may include a problem with sexuality or spirituality or escapism from work.

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