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来源:名霸星座 编辑:名霸 2009年1月20日
Vesta - Pluto

The focusing principle combines with transformation urge. This combination can signify a sense of destiny and personal commitment to the transformation of society. A person who can focus and direct a large amount of energy to penetrate hidden and unknown realms. There may exist the ability to transmute sexuality for regeneration, healing and illumination. This can signify a dedication to use personal power in the service of social or spiritual ideals. Stressed, conflicts between using one's power for personal versus transpersonal ends. This may lead to the blocking of one's power needs or releasing them destructively on a mass scale. Obsessive sexual compulsions, exaggerated fears of death, paranoia may occur. One may feel isolated from society.

Vesta - Juno

The focusing principle combines with the relating urge. This combination suggests an evolutionary path that begins with the autonomy of the self and ends with a joining with others. The ability to make a serious commitment to another. They dedicate themselves to purifying and perfecting partnerships which often take on the form of sexually fulfilled, spiritual relationships. Stressed, a conflict between personal and relationship needs. These people may feel alienated from relationships, or feel isolated within them. Sexual domination or control may also be part of the interaction.

Vesta - Athene

The focusing principle combines with the Mental-Creative urge. A commitment to learning?

Vesta - Ceres

The focusing principle combines with the Mothering Principle. An interest in psychology. Adds a warm and nurturing influence to a situation. While my progressed Ceres approaches natal Vesta, I find myself drawn to identify very much with the goddess as nurturing.

Vesta - Chiron

The focusing principle combines with the principle of Holistic understanding. (Greater interest or knowledge of holistic, psychic or occult matters?)

Vesta - ASC

Self awareness.

Vesta - MC

An illumination of the issues surrounding career and ambition.

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